The LaTeX document preparation system is a computer typesetting system, "the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents." Contact me to discuss your precision typesetting needs and get a free quote for your document.
It is the ideal languge for preparing technical documents, and is also well suited for many other purposes, from short articles all the way up to complete books (with more robust automatic updating of pagination, figure numbers, and index and table of contents entries than word). It can also be used to prepare static presentation slides instead of using PowerPoint. Here is an example taken from a conference paper formatted and paginated with LaTeX.
I can convert a manuscript in another format (even scanned handwritten equations) into LaTeX for you in preparation for you to submit it to a publisher. I can even prepare a custom package of LaTeX formatting tools for whatever special application you might choose: Here is an example of material prepared for a contract bridge lesson using LaTeX.
I can also teach you how to typeset with LaTeX yourself, either over the web or in person. Once you’ve gotten used to LaTeX you may never want to use Word again! See my teaching page for details.